Physavie®: supercritical plant-based extract with both soothing and thermal anti-aging properties.
The First: fermented ingredient with strong anti-age effect and with various bio-activities that protect against the blue light damage.
Et-Vc™: innovative stabilized vitamin C derivative with an excellent anti-photoaging activity.
Oriental Winter Flower: natural extract of Camellia Japonica with strong anti-blue light activity.
C-Pep Defensyl: skin strengthening peptide with anti-inflammation and anti-blue light activity.
AdipoSOL™ : new peptide for anti-photoaging, it protects skin from environmental stress through autophagy activation and adiponectin induction in skin cells.
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Dall’idea di “eco-beauty” nasce Active Box, una realtà dallo spirito innovativo, unica nel panorama italiano, il cui obiettivo è anticipare gli scenari evolutivi della cosmetica offrendo un’ampia gamma di principi attivi esclusivi che rispecchi la dinamicità e l’eterogeneità del mondo che ci circonda.
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